The Big Picture

"The Big Picture" was the Army's
ground-breaking television series. The half-hour weekly program featured
famous or before-they-were-famous actors and actresses in top quality
productions, filmed on the Astoria stages. In the 1950s the series was
shot on 35mm black-and-white negative, but by the end of the 1960s, it was
using 16mm color negative.
The series covered a wide range of subjects,
telling the Army's story in history and in current events.
Catalog of The Big Picture
This compilation from annual catalogs lists
episodes of The Big Picture by production number and title, some with
additional description.
The Big Picture on DVD
National Archives and Records Administration has made individual
episodes of "The Big Picture" available via Amazon. Episode
DVDs can also be copied for free by visitors to NARA's College Park,
Maryland, facility. And many complete episodes and clips have been
posted on YouTube.
The Pentagon Channel airs many of the Big Picture films as part of their
"Battleground" series that airs daily at 2:30am, 7am, 3pm & 11pm (eastern).
Anyone that does not receive The Pentagon Channel from their cable or
satellite provider can watch a live stream of the channel 24/7 at
just click on "watch live" in the upper right hand corner to view the
channel. While The Pentagon Channel does not distribute dvds or tapes of
their programming to the public, it is a good way for anyone to view the
episodes for free. The episodes are also becoming available via itunes for
no charge. (05/01/2020)
The Big Picture online
Jilly Dybka wrote, "There are a ton of episodes of The Big Picture
(and other Army Pictorial films) at the Department of Defense FedFlix
archive at where
they can be downloaded for free by anyone." Jilly has prepared
a helpful list of links to Big Picture
On location

Robert Rosenthal provided
pictures of a crew shooting footage for "The Big Picture" in Paris in
Episodes about the Battle of the Bulge
Douglas Powell wrote, "I served in the US Army Corps of
Engineers, 11th Engineer Group, in West Germany during the period from
August 1963 to June 1965. I was a helicopter pilot flying our of
Heidelberg, Germany. A Signal Corps aviation unit was also located at
that airport. Once, I was requested to fly co-pilot in a H-34
helicopter carrying the film crew for 'The Big Picture.' Filming was
being done to tell the story of the Battle of the Bulge. We flew the
area around Bastogne and landed in St. Vith, Belgium. But I never saw
the finished film. I was sharing the story with my grandchildren and
decided to see if I could obtain anywhere a video, such as a DVD,
containing that story I helped film. Can you help?"
There are three titles listed in The Big Picture catalog:
TV 413 – Battle of the Bulge. The story of America's
"winter soldier" through the years from Valley Forge to the Battle
of the Bulge.
TV 648 Battle of St. Vith -- Part I (B&W - 1965).
Background of events on Hitler’s Ardennes offensive December 1944,
with focus on 19 December attack on St. Vith, marking beginning of
Battle of the Bulge.
TV 651 Tried By Fire I) (B&W - 1963). Fighting by
84th Infantry Division in the Battle of the Bulge, crossing of the
Roer and Rhine, and the desperate race to the Elbe.
Many of these title have been
converted to video and can be found online.
Hall of Heroes was an episode
of The Big Picture featuring the Medal of Honor and the soldiers who
earned this highest award.
Lt. Richard A.
Jones provided a photo with narrator John Daly and a note about this
TV host detained

Master Sergeant Stuart
Queen is detained and escorted from the set of The Big Picture in an
episode of the Army's weekly television program dramatizing the Army's
war gaming.
Peter Anderson
asked, "I vaguely remember the host of 'The
Big Picture' being escorted from the set by military or Pentagon police,
and the episode going to commercials. Did this occur, and when and to
whom if it did occur?" Stephen Brittenham of Albuquerque supplied the
answer, with a link to YouTube. "I think this may be what he is
referring to:" This
episode, "The Aggressor," appears twice in
The Big Picture catalog at
TV 362 and TV 555. The drama puzzles contemporary viewers, who are
unfamiliar with the TV series, but it was exciting action when the show
aired in the 1950s.
MSG Carl Mueller, USA (Ret.),
wrote, "In 2005, I asked about episodes of The Big Picture that featured
the Army Language School and its successor, the Defense Language
Institute. Through the information you provided, I was able to locate
all four episodes.
"The first three episodes (TV-200, TV-492 and TV-585) have been
available commercially through since late-April 2008, along
with over 340 other episodes of The Big Picture. In 2007, a division of called CreateSpace entered into an agreement with the
National Archives and Records Administration to digitize many of the
films in the archives. Although not in the National Archives, I was able
to obtain a DVD of the fourth episode (TV-779) through other channels.
"The episode I was most interested in was "Special Forces Advisor"
(TV-585), which ultimately led me into a 20-year career as an Army
linguist. I've been able to contact Paul Wineman, the Special Forces
officer that starred in this episode. He's informed me that there was a
sequel to this episode, entitled "Special Forces Advisor - Part 2." It
was shot in 1964 and released in 1965.
"Do you know anything about this episode (TV-#, location, etc.)? If
there's a reference copy at the National Archives, CreateSpace would be
able to release a DVD. Any information would be greatly appreciated."
(Posted June 12, 2008)

Kent Hughes
wrote, "I couldn't find
Master Sergeant Stewart
on your list for APC, The Big Picture site. I remember him as
the narrator of The Big Picture. It's been a long time so I may be off
with the name. He was a master sergeant with a thin mustache and a South
West Pacific GHQ patch. I would really like to know about him because as
a kid I really looked forward to his introductions to The Big Picture.
Any information would be appreciated." Kent Hughes,
(Posted January 6, 2006)
Weaned on The Big Picture:
Colonel (Retired) Paul Schaum
wrote, "The old program that I was
weaned on as a kid on the Lower East Side probably had a great impact
upon me. It would be great if someone could get at least some of these
shows on DVD for some of us old 'Lifers.' Despite being a disabled
veteran, I still believe in what we did and continue doing. Thanks
for the web site!"
Episodes of The Big Picture occasionally turn up
through online video suppliers. A web search using "The Big
Picture," Army and VHS will probably find you some titles. Many
episodes of The Big Picture are stored in the National Archives in
College Park, Maryland. The films are public and -- if a master
tape has been made -- can be copied (bring your own blank tape.)
The films themselves are also available for transfer to a master video
by anyone who will pay for the transfer.

This is a
production still from the 1971 Big Picture, TV-803, "Hall of
Heroes," about the Pentagon's Medal of Honor display, describing
the bravery of the men named in the Hall of Heroes and dedicated
to those who have won the Medal of Honor. This was one of
the last Big Picture episodes made at APC. (The last
episode listed in the Big Picture series was episode number
For this scene
about a Civil War soldier whose battlefield actions earned him
the famous award, APC had acquired stock footage. The stock footage wide shot featured
troops moving through a cornfield. This stage setup, on
the main stage at APC, matched the trampled cornfield. In
this shot, the soldier at center runs into the scene and drops
to his knees (on the out-of-camera cushion) while he reloads his
rifle. In this tight shot, the camera catches glimpses of
other troops running past. In fact, the "other troops"
were the three soldiers at upper left, who were actually
lieutenants stationed at APC and who happened to be available
for this shot on this day. The young soldier in the
closeup was portrayed by a New York actor hired for this scene.
The middle of the three standing Civil War soldiers is
Second Lieutenant Clarence Kugler. Standing at far right is First Lieutenant Robert Perkins.
(If you can
identify others in the photos, e-mail
November 21, 2005)
John Wayne was
the host narrator of a 1967 episode of "The Big Picture," episode number
TV-695 titled "A Nation Builds Under Fire."
The Big
Picture featured the Army's Language School, now Defense Language Institute,
in four different episodes.
Mueller, MSG USA (Ret.), asked, "I'm looking for an episode of The Big
Picture that featured the Army Language School (or possibly its successor, the
Defense Language Institute). My brother and I saw it as kids, and when I
graduated from college with a major in German and a minor in French, my
brother suggested I join the Army and pick up another language. Two
languages and 20 years later, I retired as a Master Sergeant, having completed
a very fulfilling military career. I'd love to see the film that started it
all for me."
Army Language School / Defense Language Institute (which is still very much in
operation in Monterey, California,) was featured in four different episodes of
The Big Picture listed below. The first three of these exist as reference
copies in the National Archives.
The first Big Picture episode about the Monterey institute was "The Army Language School" from the 1952-1953
season. It was declared Obsolete in Army files, with the explanation, “The
following films have been declared obsolete and are not available for
showings. There obsolete film are marked with an asterlsk (*) in the Master
Title List and also in the detailed listing of synopses. Each year the listing
of new episodes of THE BIG PICTURE also will contain any additional films
which have been declared obsolete.”
Episodes of The Big Picture featuring the Army’s language school were:
TV-200 Army Language School
(Released in the 1952-1953 season.)
A look at Language School
in Monterey and teaching methods and facilities. (This film has been marked
Obsolete. There is a reference copy of this film in the National Archives and
Records Administration in College Park, Maryland.)
TV-492 U. S. Army Language School
(Released in the 1960-1961 season.)
The story of the U.S. Army
Language School and the training program provides officer and enlisted
personnel in. meeting Army requirements in learning a foreign language.
(There is a reference copy of this film in the National Archives and Records
Administration in College Park, Maryland.)
TV-585 Special Forces
(Released in the 1962-1963 season.) A Special Forces Officer
trains for duty in the Near East. Film follows training at Fort Bragg and Army
Language School at Monterey, California, then to Iran. (There is a reference
copy of this film in the National Archives and Records Administration in
College Park, Maryland.)
TV-779 Language Power For Peace
(Color-28 min-1970) Documents the
imaginative approaches used by the defense language institute to the
of teaching servicemen
fifty different foreign languages. (No reference copy available in the
National Archives.)
The last episode?
-- The Television Division of Army Pictorial Center
"produced the very last episode of the Big Picture, the only one using
television instead of film"in 1961, wrote
Barry Flynn.
Barry may be remembering the last episode of a season, but it certainly
wasn't the last Big Picture. According to a catalog of Big Picture
episodes in the National Archives, the last release was TV 823, "Drill
Sergeant," released in 1971: "Focuses on one Army drill sergeant as he goes
about his daily duties of shaping and molding young civilians into
soldiers," color, 28 minutes.
Flynn responded: "You could be right, that it was only
the last episode of the season, but we were given the impression that it
was the last of the series. Television Division was used for interior
training films, recording them in 16mm at the same time off a television
monitor. Then editing was done to produce the episode. Later, I believe
they used videotape, but color changed everything. The color RCA TK-1s,
downstairs, were rarely used. Their people spent all their time aligning
them. We almost got to send three cameramen to Israel, to cover the
trial of Adolph Eichman, but the networks decided to field their own
pool team. I've always felt that it was our loaning CBS our generator,
during the big power outage. There was a lot of flap over that."
There apparently weren't 823 episodes of The
Big Picture, but the count was pretty close. According to the
catalogue of films, a few numbers in the series "TV ###" weren't used.
Some topics and titles were evergreen, being featured in several episodes of
The Big Picture over the years, like the episodes about the Army Language
School described above. When titles or topics were repeated, the
productions were entirely new, and, except for library footage of dated
events, new footage was shot.
The Big Picture survived Army Pictorial Center, but just barely.
The studio closed in 1970, and the remaining films into 1971 were finished
Redstone Arsenal.
From the web
site TV ACRES at
[Voice of
Captain Carl Zimmerman] "All over the world the United States Army is on
the alert to defend our country -- you, the American People -- against
aggression. This is THE BIG PICTURE, an official television report to the
nation from the United States Army."
"In 1953/1954 I served as a motion
picture cameraman with the 497th Signal Photo Company in Kaiserslautern,
Germany," writes Jim O'Donnell.
"While there my assignment was to supply motion picture
footage for use in an Army syndicted television show called 'The Big
Picture.' On one particular
assignment I filmed a story called. 'The Battlegrounds of World War II'
which was edited into a half hour episode of 'The Big Picture.'
Question: Is there an
archive of these shows in existence anywhere?
I would enjoy seeing that show again as I have many pleasant
memories associated with the completion of this project.
My name is James O'Donnell. My service number was: US 52 277 276.
My e-mail address is
I'd appreciate a response to this query. Thanks.
Jim O'Donnell"
L. Denn wrote, "Growing up I remember watching “The Big Picture” TV
program about World War II with my father, a WWII veteran. Is there any
place that videos or DVDs of these programs can be purchased?
There is a
collection of VHS tapes of episodes. You can find the collection on
the web at sites like CIB
Media. The collection appears to be video transfers from old
16mm prints. The color episodes are somewhat faded ... the Army made
a big mistake when it started shooting in 16mm color. The old b/w
films still look good, 35mm b/w, especially the stage productions.
anyone provide information about The Big Picture episode
"Beach Head"? Does anyone have information about APC
director Andrew T. Kelley? Herbert Maison seeks
pictures of William O. Woolridge. These and other questions are asked on our Help
Requested page. One answer:
TV-579 The Big
Picture-Beachhead: Anzio (B&W-28 (B&W-28 min. 1963) Documents the establishment
of an allied beachhead at Anzio in World War 11. Features footage not
previously viewed by the public.
The Big Picture
is the topic of another
query: "I am looking for The Big Picture series that was filmed at
Fort McNair, Washington D.C. 1962 or 63 of A-Co 3rd Infantry "Old
Guard" doing Prelude to Taps.I particapated in this film. I can be reached
at Montie Wagner,
Ph:(423) 954-9073." The answer:
This episode of The Big
Picture must have been a good one, because apparently the Army released it three
different times:
(1961-1962 season) Filmed at Washington,. D.C ., the Army's "Old Guard" - the
3rd Infantry Regiment - combines with the U.S. Army Band to present its annual
pageant of military skills and traditions. (Reference copy available in the
National Archives and Records Administration in College Park, Maryland.)
TV-597 The
Big Picture - Prelude to Taps (Color-28 min-1964) Tribute to American soldier in
the form of Army drills, ceremonial and pageant as performed by 3d US Infantry
at Ft. McNair, Washington, D.C. The famed 3rd Infantry, "The Old Guard", in the
Nation's capital, offers a colorful, marching salute to all members of the Army
team. Shown is a retreat review, a salute to flags of states and country, rifle
drill and the marching precision of the Honor Guard drill team. (No reference
copy available in the National Archives.)
The Big Picture - Prelude to Taps (Color-28 min-1971) Members of the "Old Guard"
3rd Infantry perform drills and tableaus to dramatize the role of the US Army in
the growth of our country. (No reference copy available in the National
Archives.) (Updated
June 4, 2005.)
Page updated June 10, 2019.