Richard A. Jones

Lt. Richard A. Jones shared a photo from 1970 of
himself on location at the Pentagon working on an episode of
The Big Picture, entitled “Hall of
Heroes.” I am talking to John Daly, our narrator on the
film, who is well known for being the host of What’s My Line, TV show.
I was assistant director on this production. Hall of Heroes was about
Medal of Honor recipients and there is a display in the Pentagon. We
wanted to do a long tracking shot down the hallway to the room, but
didn’t have enough tracks, so we improvised and fastened the camera to
one of Pentagon’s golf carts (used to deliver mail; the Pentagon is huge
with LONG hallways). Worked like a charm and we got the shot.
I worked at APC 1969-1970 until Nixon closed it down and sent me
overseas. I
was a second lieutenant with date of rank September 2, 1969, Infantry
OCS, military occupational specialty 8511, Directors Branch, 1969. I did
several training films, General Court Martial, Arterial Bleeding,
Personal Freedom. And this Big Picture episode, Hall of Heroes, which we
shot in studio and at the Pentagon.
Also I had next of kin notification and assistance duties. Not fun.
Ordered to stop wearing uniforms because we were getting shot at on our
way to work. I used to go to Governors Island by ferry boat when we were
not working on a film to have lunch at the officers club after a round
of golf on the nine hole course. I also saw a ton of Broadway plays and
musicals for free thanks to the USO. Several of us lived in military
housing in East Meadow, Long Island, and would car pool to the studio.
Today’s museum used to be a giant film development lab processing
thousands of feet of film. We had to watch dailies in a small studio
each morning to see if the director got the shot he wanted from the day
before. I worked as a unit manager and assistant director.