Oliver Bryk
Oliver Bryk provided the photo
below and wrote:
I was at the Pic Center in 1953/54. As I remember
it after more than 55 years, the 2nd Signal Photo Co consisted of the
troops who had completed photo school at Ft. Monmouth and worked at the
Pic Center where we also received additional training. Every morning we
GIs would police the area and sidewalks around the barracks, an odd
sight in the middle of Astoria. My fellow photographers and
cinematographers were an interesting lot, educated, talented, and
As part of our continuing education we had to go
out as documentary still photographers in New York when off duty, using
Army issue 35mm cameras and film provided by the Pic Center. The supply
sergeant would tell us in his gravelly voice, "now youse guys be sure to
use plenty of fillum!" After developing and printing the results of our
photojournalistic exploits we were subjected to merciless critiques by
our fellow photographers. It was a valuable experience.
In early 1954 a senior officer asked everyone to
come and watch the televised Army-McCarthy hearings. When McCarthy
badgered a decorated General our senior officer expressed his dismay at
this treatment.
When one of my colleagues, a New Yorker, was
transferred to Alaska he offered to let me rent his apartment in
Manhattan. I received permission to live off post, brought my pregnant
wife to New York, and commuted by subway.
Our firstborn was delivered at St. Albans Naval
Hospital in Queens in April of 1954. Not long after that I received PCS
orders to the 497th Sig Photo at the USAREUR Pic Center in
Kaiserslautern. Major Fenner was CO of the 497th.

"The captain in the photo from Ft. Monmouth
was our instructor; he lost his right arm in Korea. I have never
forgotten his class on using the 35mm Bell & Howell Eyemo in combat
Updated June 11, 2021.