3235 Signal Photo Detachment
Standing from left, Detachment Commander and motion
picture photographer Richard K. Jones of Hollywood, motion picture
photographer Thomas Korn of Missouri, and motion picture photographer
Leslie G. Crocker; kneeling from left, still photographer Harold Rosenthal
of Chicago and still photographer Robert E. "Bud" Wandrey of
Chicago. This photo was "taken during the winter of 1944,"
reports Wandrey, " in the New Jersey woods as part of the SCPC training curriculum...including an overnight stay in pup tents.
(Great training for the Pacific Theater!)"
The unit was at Leyte and landed D-day on Okinawa, and
occupied Aomori, Japan, after V-J Day. Crocker received his Purple Heart
after being wounded by a sniper on Okinawa. |
Leslie G. Crocker's uniform four pocket tunic, Bell and
Howell Co Automatic Cine Camera, battle fatigues photo and certificate
from the Photographic School. |
Leslie G. Crocker received this certificate for
successful completion of a course in 043-Motion Picture News Reel Camera
Technique on October 21, 1944, signed by Col. R. C. Barrett, commander,
Signal Corps Photographic Center Photographic School. |
Crocker's tunic has ribbons for the Purple Heart, Bronze
Star, Asiatic-Pacific Campaign with battle Star, Philipine Liberation
Medal and Good Conduct Medal, and U.S. Army Photographer shoulder
patch. |
Captured Japanese battle flag from Okinawa covered with
writing and bullet holes, Crocker's war souvenir from Okinawa. |