Joe Lipkowitz
Joe Lipkowitz was one of
the people who walked in the door of Signal Corps Photographic Center and
stayed with the studio until Army Pictorial Center closed in 1970.
Read more about Joe and see more pictures below.
To Whom It May Concern:
I am the daughter of Joseph Lipkowitz, who was
the Chief of the Camera Branch at APC.
I remember so vividly coming to the studio as a
child and experience the biggest sound stage of the east coast. My
memories are so distinct and wonderful. I also recall seeing many famous
people when I did visit - Alexander Scorby - for one - one of my favorite
I also accompanied my dad on location when he was
cinematographer on the award winning documentary, "The Unconquered,"
the story of Helen Keller. It was shot in Westport - at her home. An
experience I will never ever forget. I actually spent time with her alone.
She and my dad were quite close.
I can't sleep and just missed my dad so much this
evening. He's been gone for 10 years come July. He was a very
important part of my life and still is - in memory. What a treat to see
his picture in the APC personnel roster. Thanks again for the memories.
Notes about Joe Lipkowitz:
Joe Lipkowitz was a memorable part of Army
Pictorial Center. He could talk about the day in 1942 when Sergeant
Lipkowitz walked into the old Paramount studio alongside the colonel who would
command Signal Corps Photographic Center. The old studio was crammed with
old equipment, props and sets, and a lot of material got tossed as the Army got
ready to work.
Rising to chief of Camera Branch, Joe never
forgot his GI beginning. He was often the first person in the department
at work each morning, and could be found sweeping up the office before tackling
his day's duties. He worked well with both military and civilian personnal,
both high and low, earning respect by giving respect.
In charge of the studio's cameras and cameramen,
Joe had stocked the Camera Branch office with a fabulous collection of antique
motion picture cameras, many 35mm hand-cranked models from silent film days,
like a cherry-wood Pathe or a black finish Universal, all in working
condition. Joe also kept, on a shelf behind his gray metal GI desk, one of
the two Academy Awards won by the studio.
Long after the studio closed, Joe remained my
friend, if at a distance and with infrequent contact. Every year or two,
I'd call his telephone number in Massapequa Park, and we'd chat a little about
the old days, about how he was doing, and about his daughters. Finally one
day, the telephone number didn't work, and it became apparent that, like so many
of the wonderful characters at the old studio, Joe had his final fade-out.
This website is great place to collect and share
these memories. Thanks to all who have provided information. And if
you haven't written yet, send in your contribution.
Debbie Lipkowitz wrote:
I just received a "heads-up" from my
sister about this website. I'm the second daughter of Joe Lipkowitz and I am
thrilled to see this site!
Dad will be gone 14 years on July 7 and anyone
who knew him, knew he was someone you didn't easily forget. To read the
blurb brings back so many memories - I can hear my dad telling his seemingly
endless stories. He loved his work, the opportunity to serve this country
and the APC family.
I wish I could share the many pictures I have
from his notebooks. And in all fairness, my mother Sarah Schleiffer Lipkowitz
was also at the studio as a stenographer, and until her death in 1987, I don't
think Dad ever had a cold. They were a fiercely loyal and loving couple in their
own way, the way children rarely think about their parents and he missed her
I remember the pictures of the APC parties, and
my "Uncle Harry", Harry Kreider,
whose picture I also found on the site, and was a family friend for years, as
was Chris Mauriello. I never heard Dad say anything negative about anyone -he'd
prefer to say nothing.
Last year, Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks
produced a special called Shooting War which aired on CBS. I was very
dismayed the APC wasn't mentioned, although I was delighted that someone finally
realized that regular army shot the many photos we associate with WW II, before
"embedded" journalists and CNN. Once in a while, I will
read an article that refers to the Kaufmann Studios' history and, with tongue
firmly in cheek, tosses a comment about the "VD" and hygiene movies
that used to be shot there. Perhaps, but there were people there who
worked at their craft, developed methods still used today and were truly part of
the Motion Picture Pioneers of America. The work, art and craftsmanship that APC
generated has always been underrated and underappreciated. Thanks so much
for this site.
Growing up, it was different to have a dad who
went to a studio instead of an office. Dad retired when the studio closed
- I was in junior high. He talked about APC, his friends and experiences
right up until his last moments on earth. I hope all of you treasure your
memories as much as he did. Thanks so much for this opportunity, Mr.
Webmeister, whoever you are! Most of all, he was a dad who never got off
the phone without an I love you or a hug when you had to leave. A great dad, a
great friend and a loyal colleague. Not a bad legacy....
Debbie Lipkowitz
Columbus, Ohio

Joe Lipkowitz as Chief of Camera Branch.

Joe and associates with an unidentified award.

Joe on the main stage.

Steve Gilman provided some identifications for this photo of
Joe Lipkowitz "relaxing in the office" at the desk: "The gentleman to
the extreme right is Frank Argandizza. He was a staff cameraman who I
worked with on several occasions. He liked working at Fort Bliss, Texas.
The gentleman to the extreme left is, of course, Harry Kreider."

Joe and friend.

Joe and crew on location.

Joe and another soldier at pistol training.
Posted May 2003; updated June 11, 2019.