Dr. Seuss once worked at
Signal Corps Photographic Center. "I
noticed a very important name left out," wrote Mike
Rodgers of the Signal Corps Museum. "That
would be Theodor
Geisel. Ted was later known as Dr.
Seuss, which I’m sure we’ve all
either read his books or had them read to us.
worked with LTC Frank Capra, and between them they came up
with the idea of 'PRIVATE SNAFU' … (which I just purchased
on DVD from E-Bay.)
"We’re working on an exhibit
to honor Ted and, of course, the Pictorial Center as well."

"PVT SNAFU" was a
comic character who taught GIs what NOT to do by constantly
fouling up.
Wikipedia provides this information: "In 1942, Dr.
Seuss turned his energies to direct support of the US
government's war effort. First, he worked drawing posters
for the Treasury Department and the War Production Board.
Then, in 1943, he joined the Army and was sent to
Frank Capra's Signal Corps Unit in Hollywood, where
he wrote films for the United States Armed Forces, including
"Your Job in Germany," a 1945 propaganda film about peace in
Europe after World War II, "Design for Death," a study of
Japanese culture that won the Academy Award for Best
Documentary in 1948, and the Private Snafu series
of army training films. While in the Army, he was awarded
the Legion of Merit. Dr. Seuss's non-military films from
around this time were also well-received; Gerald
McBoing-Boing won the Academy
Award for Best Short Subject (Animated) in 1951."
You can find a number of online
information source with a web search for "PRIVATE SNAFU".

(Posted January 28, 2006; updated September 8, 2020.)