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Ron Hutchinson supplied many set photos from Army Pictorial Center in the early 1960s, including this shot of a television production, above. (Posted June 11, 2015) Kinescope production and distribution is outlined by Neil Upchurch.
Dick Robinson provided a collection of photos of the Signal Corps Mobile Television unit from 1953. When the Army explored ways to adapt television to training uses, Army Pictorial Center was in the forefront, with experiments in video production on a special stage built for that purpose. Television production soon moved on, and APC remained a film production facility and home of the Motion Picture Depository. Few alumni have written to provide information about television at APC. Norman Roder wrote, "You have a very interesting site but I did not find any of the men that were in the video area. We made kinescope recordings as another way of making the training films. It was quite a trick to make them without and minimize the lines. They also had 'shutter bars' which had to be eliminated, We had a small unit there and also a mobile unit that went out in the field to show how and how not to use closed circuit TV and films from the electronic media." (Posted November 14, 2011)
Television photographers and
sound men I'm working on a PBS series that focuses in part on the Civil Rights Movement and I'll be producing a segment on how news was gathered and disseminated during that time by photographers and sound men who utilized "mobile" ENG technology before it was even identified as such. Their heroic efforts brought the Civil Rights Movement into the homes of many Americans who had little or no idea about what was going on in the South at that time. I'd like to find any of those that remain and possible have them tell of their experiences. Editor's note: This may seem an odd request on the APC website, but many of the military and civilian employees at Astoria worked in the film and television industries before or after their time at APC, this query seems intriguing. If you can provide information, write to the Webmaster. (Posted December 3, 2012) Mobile TV Detachment Brian Bland wrote, "I was among those who were at the APC but not exactly part of it. I was a 2nd Lt at the U.S. Army Photographic Agency Mobile TV Detachment, which was at the APC when I arrived in February or March 1965. Six months later, the Mobile TV Detachment relocated to the Tobyhanna Army Depot in Pennsylvania, where I was a Production Officer (as a 1st Lt) until Feb. '67. Then I went to the 25th Inf. Div. in Vietnam (promoted to Captain) to run its photo detachment for a year before returning to civilian life. "So, the Mobile TV Detachment, under Maj. William R. ``Dick'' Green, was separate from the APC, similar to DASPO, which was also based at the APC for a time. (Green's boss at the Pentagon was Lt. Col. Walter Halloran, who also headed DASPO). Although I have found both the APC and DASPO's Web sites, I've found nothing about the Mobile TV Detachment, neither during its time at the APC nor later. No names from the Mobile TV Detachment appear on the rosters of either the APC or DASPO, which is not a surprise, although I thought it might rate a mention in the APC history. "Any suggestions or help in finding out if there's a history of the USAPA Mobile TV Detachment? Thanks very much!"
(Submitted May 14, 2012.) (Updated September 8, 2020.) |