At the start of World War II, the United States Army
acquired a defunct motion picture studio at 35th Avenue and
35th Street in Astoria, Long Island City, Queens, New York,
taking over in February 1942. The studio became the Signal
Corps Photographic Center, later Army Pictorial Center, home
to filmmakers and still photographers who covered the war
and who produced countless training films.

"We had everything calculated," said Nazi Field Marshal Von
Keitel after WWII, "except the speed with which the Allies were
able to train their troops ... our major miscalculation was in
underestimating their quick and complete mastery of film
education." |
(Updated February 8, 2019.)

Army Pictorial Center from the air, the heart of Long Island City,
Queens, New York. Just visible in the upper edge of the photo is
the East River and Manhattan. The main stage is in the building
labeled 1. The street running in front of the columned entry to
the main stage from upper left to lower right is 35th Avenue. The
cross street that runs along the upper left side of the studio complex,
from lower left to upper right, is 35th Street.

1 - Headquarters and motion picture studio
2 - Television studio
6 - Film depository
12 - Film storage
13 - Film processing laboratory (now the American Museum of the Moving
34 - Film chemical mix and control
23 - Film storage
24 - Barracks with mess hall
S-25 - Offices and supply storehouse
S-26 - Post Engineer and Printing offices
S-27 - Post Engineer shops
s-28 - Provost Marshal office
(Updated January 22, February 8, 2019, and October 3 and 8, 2020.)